2025 Visioning Sessions
Help shape a 5-year vision and plan for Southeastern NH covering transportation and infrastructure, the environment, culture and recreation, workforce and economy, housing, and more.
As part of the 2025 planning process, REDC will hold three public visioning sessions throughout its region for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The purpose of these sessions is to gather public and municipal input on the goals, opportunities, and weaknesses of our region and to come up with priorities to be addressed from an economic development perspective over the next five years. REDC and the CEDS Steering Committee will use the information gathered at these events to update and refine the goals and objectives of the CEDS.
The events will be open to the public, RSVP required, and will feature a keynote speaker followed by a facilitated visioning session to gather public input. Refreshments will also be provided at the in-person meeting2025 Visioning Sessions
Help shape a 5-year vision and plan for Southeastern NH covering transportation and infrastructure, the environment, culture and recreation, workforce and economy, housing, and more.
As part of the 2025 planning process, REDC will hold three public visioning sessions throughout its region for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The purpose of these sessions is to gather public and municipal input on the goals, opportunities, and weaknesses of our region and to come up with priorities to be addressed from an economic development perspective over the next five years. REDC and the CEDS Steering Committee will use the information gathered at these events to update and refine the goals and objectives of the CEDS.
The events will be open to the public, RSVP required, and will feature a keynote speaker followed by a facilitated visioning session to gather public input. Refreshments will also be provided at the in-person meeting